Restaurant Equipment Classifieds free classifieds are free photo classifieds to buy, sell, and trade steam tables, Hobart dish washers, Vulcan stoves, meat slicers, and bread racks. Your free restaurant and food service ad can run for up to 90 days we are one of the few free sites to also allow you to post a photo. Here's what you can do:
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True 36" Worktop Refrigerator TWT-36
True 36" Worktop Refrigerator TWT-36 SN:1-4850258
This unit sold for $1,530.00 in March of 2008, we are asking $500.00 (OBO)
Please call (800) 467-0690 and ask for Neil Tiek, you can refer to RTR# 1083876-05
All offers including offers at the asking price are subject to review and ... more
Search for ovens, bakeware, cookware, cutlery, deep fryers, walk-ins, food storage, pots, pans, dining room furniture, and bar accessories.
Refrigerators, gas grills, dishes, coolers, restaurant supply, plates, dishwashers, shelving, tables, carts, restaurant equipment, blenders, microwaves, pots, stoves, freezers, and other supplies. Whether you are a professional chef, prep cook, salad chef, food designer, or caterer, we make it easy to buy, sell, trade, or just learn more about restaurants from all over the world.